
And No, It's Not A Dialect Thing

Actors can be pretty unimpressive sometimes. I don't watch a whole lot of television, but I still here a good amount of pronunciations of words by people where it's absolutely clear that they've never used the word otherwise in their life. Retakes are expensive of course, but when you earn your living saying lines, well, I'm surprised it happens so often.

Incidentally, I do see mentions here and there for linguist-linguists on shows every once in a while. There was one on a rerun of Law and Order: Criminal Intent I just saw, and there was an episode of Criminal Minds (that I can't remember any other content of) in which Dr. Reid talks about linguistics. If I can figure it out, or come up with anything else.

Anyway, the specific example of a mispronunciation that came up in that Criminal Intent episode was the pronouncing of the word JEWESS as /ʤu.ɛs/ with two distinctly and pretty evenly stressed syllables, almost pronounced like it was two different words, whereas I have only heard the word (though admittedly infrequently) more like /ʤu.ɪs/ or /ʤu.əs/, with little to no stress on the second syllable. I've heard worse, but this one was still pretty noticeable.

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