
The Answer Has This Too

What do the words cooperate, ion, iota, oogenesis, going, aorta, iocane, Montreal, and Iowa have in common?

5 Comentarios:

Anonymous Anonymous dijó...

They all have "o" in them. If I only had a brain.

Anonymous Anonymous dijó...

I hadn't even noticed. The words "deity" and "diuretic" also have this. Keep the title in mind.

Blogger Robert dijó...

Oh, I get it - you're on hiatus.

Blogger Alexicon dijó...

They all contain an open syllable? If I remember my phonology, these are heavy syllables too, because the vowels are diphthongs. Of course, you have to assume that the pronunciation of Montreal is anglicized completely.

P.S. I love your blog.

Anonymous Anonymous dijó...

Very observant of you Alex, but there are a few light open syllables, in a strict sense, -ta in iota and aorta, but getting into this business is complicated. Robert got it before though, and I think it's what you we're getting at, and it is that they all have the two-vowel sequence, but actually they are not dipthongs, but hiatuses (because I had to take a little break from writing)

Thanks for the kinds words as well.


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