

Can anybody tell that I have to spend a lot of time around kids? Earlier today I noticed that this one young boy, he just turned six, adds the diminutive suffix -y rather frequently. Moreso than one might expect. Words I have noted are socky, booties, undies, and my favorite, booky-bagy. I thought this was an interesting phenomenon, and spent a little time thinking about the basis for his diminutive usage. I can only speculate, and I'm going to have to keep my ears open for more data, but it seems that based on these words here, that he uses this form for some things that have some relation to his person, things he wears. Since he is small (maybe not for a six year old, but certainly compared to say, me), he might use the diminutives to clarify that his possessions reflect his size. He is a small person, and thus has sockies, and not socks. He doesn't exclusively use these forms, that might be part of the basis for his choice. Or maybe he's just like the child in my last post and being adoreable by saying silly things that grown-ups find amusing.