
English Needs A Thneed

One of the categories I previously suggested for consonant cluster onsets included "ones that seem to be perfectly fine for usage, maybe sound a little foreign, but nobody would have trouble saying them, preferably with some kind of attestation that isn't a loanword"

THNEED doesn't seem to be a loan word, and I can't imagine too many people not being able to handle the sequence. It doesn't even sound particularly foreign to me, but then again, I might not be the best judge. Thneed is also interesting in that it looks as if it is a sort of compound word, of TH(ING) + NEED, or similar elements. In terms of candidacy, I think thneed is pretty good. Dr. Seuss, while being known for making up lots of unique words, usually did not make words that did not fit the constraints of English. In fact, in On Beyond Zebra!, I would say the two most curious new letters would be VROOM, which is homophonous with the onomatopoeia, and THNAD, another [θn] onset cluster. So, we have THNEED, THNAD, and of course THNADNERS. It doesn't seem so bad; maybe a little worse that [sn] in onsets.

I say, we go for it. Everyone needs a thneed, and that includes Funk, Wagnall, Merriam, and Webster.

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