
Scripts Of Heaven And Hell

While doing some research online I stumbled across this site which features lots of strange writing samples from history, a lot of which I haven't heard anything about. The site, and I imagine most scholars, feel that a lot of these are hoaxes or something of the site, but it's still an interesting collection. I personally like the writings by Ludovico Spoletano, said to be Satan's writing. I read a bit of a discussion on it on some forums, but there isn't a whole lot of information on it elsewhere. This is another interesting thing to take a glance at, going with more angelic writing.

It's things like this (the former) that make me wish there was more access to unusual writing samples, that we could pool efforts, and perhaps maybe there could be some breakthroughs (I know the Phaistos Disc hasn't been deciphered, but we have learned a whole bunch about it from what I've read).

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