
Why You Should Hate All Caps, But Don't

While I agree that it is poor etiquette to write in all caps, I disagree with the reasoning, at least on a matter of principle. Apparently people like to say that it is akin to being shouted at, but that is what I've always used exclamation points to indicate. Any instance of all-caps (while I almost exclusively use it in jest) would be more in the lines of being assertive, or attention seeking. It's just obnoxious. And frankly, even with my distaste for volume, I'd much rather deal with loud intelligent statements than with a reasonably volumed idiot. When people see book titles, or movie titles, or advertisements or anything like that, nobody thinks that that is similar to yelling, it's merely trying to attract the reader. In internet-speak, the use of all caps is also terribly unpleasant to read, much like writing not sectioned into paragraphs, or written with punctuation.

Please everyone, stop says "stop yelling" every time somebody writes in all caps. Just explain to them that they are most likely an idiot.

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