
Forthcoming topics:

As soon as I get a chance, I have articles to write on the following topics. I tried to write just enough to not give away the whole bag.
1) Stop signs
2) "Alternative" familial terms
3) Keyboard frequency on my laptop
4) Lesson plan fixing - the past tense
5) Professional languages
It'd be a shame if I forgot, as I usually cannot write as soon as an idea comes to me. Too many times these ideas escape me.

2 Comentarios:

Blogger Alexicon dijó...

Hey Dan -

I came across this today and thought you and your readers might find it interesting. The site's in dutch, but check out the video down the page; it seems like a great tool for visualizing frequency of text in a document.


Blogger Alexicon dijó...

Ah, my mistake... the site appears to be in German. I used Babelfish to translate, but the result was very poor. Still, enjoy!


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